God has not forgotten His covenant.
Then comes this word of hope. Like the first crocuses popping through a snow sprinkled field, these were a sign that things will change. God will forgive and restore…
But the restoration of
Life can be like that, what is good for some is not for others…
I mused as I read and then came the last verse and in particular the last sentence of the last verse. In days to come you will understand this (24b).
These words brought comfort and recognition... recognition that I don’t know everything and in fact some (many (?)) things of God I do not understand. Isaiah was right - God’s ways are higher than my ways (Isaiah 55:9). I don’t understand why some believe and others do not.I don’t understand why hurricanes typhoons and tsunamis happen.I don’t understand why God choose me or why God’s plan of salvation was that Jesus would die in my place. God’s ways are higher than mine!
I listened again to 24b, In days to come you will understand this. Some day I will understand. Alleluia. Some day my confusions and questions will be gone, answered by the Almighty.
Until that day, I accept by faith that God is in control, that He knows things I do not and all things are working toward His ends.
Augustine said (loosely translated) “The heart is wrestles until it finds its rest in Thee.” I find my rest in You, Lord God Almighty, in You.
Lord I have many questions and confusions, this is true. But by Your grace I also have faith… Faith in You, faith in Your ways, faith in Your absolute sovereignty, faith in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. In this I do rest. Thanks be to God. Amen.