It is easily evident that Jeremiah has been sent to offer a final call of repentance to
I went back and re-read Jeremiah’s assignment in verse 2-8: Stand at the gate of the LORD's house and there proclaim this message: "'Hear the word of the LORD, all you people of
I found myself drawn to verse 5: If you really change your ways… It sounds to me like God is fed up with play-acting, pretend changes,
And how will the change be evident? The answer unfolds in 5-8:
· Deal with others justly
· Stop oppressing the alien, fatherless or widow, people with little or no rights & standing in society
· Stop shedding innocent blood, murder & the godless human sacrifice of the Topheth
· Stop worshipping other gods and calling out to them when in distress, etc.
I sat and pondered these four actions. They are concrete actions that fulfill heart of the Law to love God with heart, soul, mind and strength and to love others as ourselves.
Lord,do I love You and others in concrete ways? I asked myself some questions built on those four actions.
· Do I deal justly with others or do I show favoritism? Do I let people skate because I am too lazy or uninterested to speak up?
· Do I seek justice for people with little or no rights in my society… the alien (even illegals), the unborn, widows and orphans and single parent households? Do I?
· I may not be shedding innocent blood with my hands but am I allowing it through my silence? The unborn, prisoners at Gitmo, imbalance with regard to the death penalty, collateral damage of war, allowing people to go hungry, especially children, in my country or others???
· Do I worship gods of money, success, pleasure, expensive toys… rather than the Lord? Do I trust the market and my portfolio more than the Lord for my future?
These are really tough questions. It is painful to write them and think about them. Painful because with regard to many, I have been comfortable in my ignorance –not my problem. Is my ignorance and silence equal to complicity???
Oh God, forgive me… forgive me for not caring, not caring to do anything. God, I cannot take on all the worlds’ ills. Some of these grow in arenas of life in which I have no experience or influence. Release me from any false guilt, Lord. But at the same time, Lord, in arenas in which I can be a voice for justice, push me and prod me to speak for You and those who are treated unjustly.
Lord, may my life really be lived for You. Through Jesus, my Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen.
A Note on Topheth:
Topheth is child sacrifice. According to The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia etymology uncertain; the most probable is its connection with a root meaning "burning" …: The references are to such a place: "They have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire" (Jeremiah 7:31). On account of this abomination Topheth and the
A professor of mine excavated Topheths in a valley filled with urns. In each urn was the chard remains of children that were apparently sacrificed to Baal or Molech to curry some favor from the god.
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