Friday, June 1: -Ezekiel 44 - Inheritance.

After reading the Bible daily for decades now, I still marvel at the ‘still small voice’ which ‘speaks’ every time I read. I wonder why this verse or that verse will jump off the page and connect with my heart. I have learned to leave that with God, instead my task is to follow His nudges and the texts He seems to highlight. I need to daily place my life in God’s hands… listening to Him so that I might follow Him more and more faithfully as the years go by.

Thinking about it, if I could sum up my hope, desire and prayer for my family, for the people of the churches God graciously allows me to pastor, and for those who read scripture with me, it would be the same.  It would be that God would take us into His life and Word.  And that from His Word He would speak to each and everyone personally and individually so that as you listen, you might follow the Lord more and more faithfully as the years go by…

This morning verse 28 stepped off the page into my life. I am to be the only inheritance the priests have. You are to give them no possession in Israel; I will be their possession. My hunch is that there were times when Israel’s priests longed for some land… something they could touch and feel; something with value they could build upon. But God said I have reserved something special for you… You, unlike all the others, have Me. I will be your only inheritance.

Some times what is precious and special to God, doesn’t fit our categories. The peace that passes all understanding, for example, cannot be measured through a bank account. But it is real. I have experienced it in times of trouble and hardship where it makes no sense, yet at the same time makes an incredible difference.

In the NT we are called ‘royal priests’ (1Peter 2:9)… God is our possession.

Oh, Lord, that I would long for You. Sometimes, Lord, I get my priorities all messed up. I want physical inheritance of money and things, missing the truth that You are the greatest inheritance anyone could have.

Straighten out my priorities so that I may see the wonder of Your love and the gift You have given me by giving Yourself to me as my possession, my inheritance.

I pray through Jesus, my Lord. Amen. 


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