I found myself intrigued by Jesus’ Word to the women, and particularly His last sentence. Jesus turned and said to them, "Daughters of
I am not sure what Jesus is saying in verse 31. I am not attempting to exegete this text but to sit with it, ponder it and see how God might use it to instruct me in my walk with Jesus.
It seems Jesus is saying if the days are bad now, there are worse days coming… days when men will be worse and will act worse toward others.
I am not a doom and gloom person, but it seems obvious to me that the world is not getting kinder and gentler. There are sparks of goodness, but wildfires of rage and meanness. Maybe it has always been like this… but the human heart I see is often broken, hurting and hurtful.
Luke says in a number of ways that Jesus was innocent of the charges, yet the system put him to death, announcing that for the system a single innocent human life is of little value.
Is Jesus saying, through verse 31, that it will get worse… maybe that multiple innocent human lives will come have no value?
The world of the 20th and 21st century seem to buy into that… the Holocaust, death of the Armenians, Biafra, multiple ethnic cleansings, wanton abortion, WMDs… I could go on.
No amount of education or technological advancements has made us safer or gentler.
I leapt from this thought to that of original sin. We humans are broken and corrupted on the inside. We have this ever-present ability to take good things and warp & pervert. Art degrades to pornography; atom splitting into bombs; computer codes becomes viruses…
The chapter in one way makes so much sense. We need a Savior, one who will pay the penalty for our sin and give us of God’s Spirit so that we might live through God’s power, not human often corrupted power.
My morning ends with a huge THANKS to God for Jesus –Savior and Lord- for all He did to help me overcome my vile human nature, as imperfect as my overcoming continues to be…
Thank You, Jesus. Thank and bless You! Amen.
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