Tuesday, December 18: Galatians 5- Freedom.

Another rich chapter. My heart soared as I read verses 13-14, You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. …

Called to freedom… those 3 words sound luxurious! After begging and chiding the Galatians not to be circumcised and fall out of grace and back under the law, Paul pens these liberating words. You… were called to be free.  I can feel the weight of having to do ‘this ritual’ and ‘that religious duty’ lifted off my shoulders!

Without any break, Paul continues expressing the wonderful reality of this verse. We are called to be free.  Free, that is, in order to serve one another in love. I am no longer a slave to myself, to selfishness, to destructive vices.  No, I am free to love and serve others!!! I am free to inject love into arenas filled with competition and envy. I am free to spend time with people passed by, by others because I am no longer bound by performance-based relationships (I give to you so you have to give to me). I am free to live differently because Christ lives in me and God defines my worth not others or the world-system of which I am a part.

Wow, this is freedom of a magnitude the world apart from Jesus does not know!

You were called to be free … [to] serve one another in love.

Oh, Jesus, I want to live in Your freedom! I want to live with Your love. Oh, Jesus, I want to serve as You served! Help me, I pray. Amen.


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