Tuesday, December 1: Matthew 14- Insights into a faithful life.

Reading this chapter it occurred to me that some of Jesus’ most memorable miracles grew out of a time of mourning and weakness.

Here is what I noticed as Matthew sets the scene.

The chapter opens with the gruesome events of John the Baptist’s death, concluding with the notation that John’s disciples went and told Jesus.

Jesus, hearing the news, withdraws by boat to a solitary place (13). Connecting the dots in my mind, Jesus needs some time to mourn the death of His cousin. Crowds, however, follow Him and so rather than getting His time alone He heals their sick. This takes all afternoon, which leads directly into the account of feeding the 5000 (13-21).

Fed and cared for, Jesus dismisses the crowd to go home. He also sends the disciples away in their boat, while He grabs His solitary time on the mountain to pray (22-23). Connecting more dots, Jesus needs to get that alone time with His Father that He didn’t get when the crowds showed up. Even more now He has spent Himself in ministry all day so He is doubly depleted and makes sure He gets His rejuvenating time with the Father.

When His time in prayer is over, He catches up with His disciples by walking on the water to them and this results with ‘the Peter miracle of walking on the water’ (24-32). The disciples had an ‘ah ha’ moment (32) that Jesus is the son of God.

Then when they land, another day of ministry begins… (33-34).

A few life lessons…

·         Some times life asks us to give out and help others when we ourselves are depleted.

·         Connection with the Father can be postponed due to ministry and the needs of others but it shouldn’t be forgotten.

·         Faith life is no cake walk… it seems neither Jesus nor His apostles got much sleep that day.

·         Other people’s needs are not necessarily on our time schedule. 

There are probably more lessons for me to find as I think on this throughout today. But for now this has been a treasure trove of insights from the Lord.

Thank You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit for these words today. Help me to live for You with the rest of my hours today. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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