Wednesday, February 17: Genesis 33- Facing our fears.

There comes a day when we have to face our fears. It may be when we finally have to confront that difficult situation (see yesterday’s blog). Maybe it is a literal fear. Whatever our fear maybe, there comes a day when we have to face it. Jacob had to face Esau.

There is never a guarantee that things will go as well as they did for Jacob facing Esau but certainly that is our hope and prayer.

Sometimes God and life orchestrate things so that we have no choice but to face our fear. But that is not always the case. There are situations when we have a direct choice to face the situation or to flee.

The thoughts that swirl within me ask a lone question, “Have you prayed about it? Have you sought God’s direction about what you should do and how you should go about it, whatever it might be?”

Those who walk with Jesus are never alone making decisions. The Lord is always there, to comfort and to counsel us.

My thoughts flash back to yesterday’s reading and how Jacob prayed to the Lord and wrestled with Him. These suggest to me that honesty and being real with God is a surefooted start to our seeking His wisdom about what to do and how to do it.

I began to ponder what fears have me stymied and stalled in life, the ones I haven’t gotten past yet. Those may precisely be the fear(s) God wants me to speak with Him about…

How about you?  Are there issues or fears or persons God wants you to face?  Speak with Him about it and see how He leads…

Father, Jesus, Spirit, lead me through the barren land of fears to the promised land of grace and growth and victory. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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