Blessed is the person who has others who can speak wisdom into their lives.
Today we read about Moses’ father-in-law coming to Moses in the desert. After a night of hospitality Jethro sees the extreme burden of ministry upon Moses in the morning and imparts some much needed advice. This account sparked memories of tremendous advice that friends, confidants and advisors have given to me over the years.
To go through life alone is a sad journey. To have trusted allies speak truth into your life is a joy and gift.
I think of the professor, I mentioned awhile back, who gave me the single best piece of advice I have ever received. I think of my wife who loves me, whose words have wisely counseled me too many times to number. I see the faces of many people who have at times spoken godly wisdom into my life. I am blessed. Their words have helped keep me true to Jesus, discern God’s direction when I was unsure, and blessed me over and over again.
Moses lived with Jethro and his family for 40 years. I wonder what it was like and whether Jethro had other words of wisdom that never found their way into the Scriptures.
I hope and pray that every reader has people of godly character who can speak into your life. I do and I am blessed because of it.
As my musings close for today, I am feeling the impulse to thank God for the many ‘Jethros’ God has placed in my life, people who have helped shape me into the disciple of Jesus I have grown to be…
Lord, thank You for the many people You have brought into my life who have steered me closer to You. Thank You for their time, words, care, love, counsel and trust. Thank You for the times they have corrected me and thank You for the times they have steered me. Thank You, Lord, for the brothers and sisters You have given me who have enriched my life in so many ways. And thank You for Your Holy Spirit who is always there with me, guiding and speaking to me. Bless You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
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