Maybe it is just me, but the world seems to be growing more violent, more filled with hatred, more anger. It seems like once a week some human driven tragedy fills the news waves… bombings here, gun-slinging there. The presidential campaign of 2016 seems to be running off the civility rails.
To my eyes the ugliness of sin seems much more blatant and in the open than during some of my decades past. This is what I am seeing and feeling, at least.
As today’s Psalm unfolded, it spoke to this inner weariness. God avenge… set things right!
The closing stanza of the Psalm drew me to thought and meditation.
Can a corrupt throne be allied with you—
a throne that brings on misery by its decrees?
The wicked band together against the righteous
and condemn the innocent to death.
But the LORD has become my fortress,
and my God the rock in whom I take refuge.
He will repay them for their sins and destroy them for their wickedness;
the LORD our God will destroy them (20-23).
The psalmist gets it. Those in power who bring misery by their rulings are not aligned with the Lord! Whether national or local governments this seems to be an interesting plumb line. When leaders condemn innocent people to death they do not align with the Lord!
What is my fall back when I see these things happening? The Lord… the Lord is my fall back. And rather than taking vengeance myself, I can join the psalmist and pray that the Lord take vengeance, that the Lord meet out justice, that the Lord brings His rule and reign into the world, which may likely mean He comes to judge the living and the dead.
Come Lord Jesus, come…
Come Lord Jesus, come…
Maranatha. Bring Your rule and reign. Bring Your justice, establish Your final kingdom Lord Jesus. Come save Your people and judge Your enemies. You alone can bring justice to our fallen world.
Come Lord Jesus, come…
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