Wednesday, September 7: Deuteronomy 27- I belong to God.

Powerful words. When my eyes lit upon them immediately my heart stirred. So strong was the stirring that I immediately read them again. “Be silent, Israel, and listen! You have now become the people of the LORD your God. Obey the LORD your God and follow his commands and decrees that I give you today” (9-10)

What a profound statement; You have now become the people of the LORD your God.

We are God’s people, I am God’s person… that is what streamed into my heart like water over Niagara Falls. Because of faith in Jesus I have been brought into the Kingdom of the Son (Col 1:13-14, 1Peter 2:9-10, and many more places in the NT).

Oh, I know this but to read it spoken so plainly, so simply, so directly it grabbed hold of my heart. I belong to God!

Equally stirring was the straightforwardness of the next sentence.  Obey the LORD your God and follow his commands and decrees…

With great blessing comes great responsibility!

I have to live out my new identity in God. It seems to me that this is both command and invitation. My new identity offers me both the calling and ability to live into my new heritage.

With great blessing comes great responsibility!

Today I sit marveling at my heritage and the call of that heritage to live for the Lord.

Oh, God, my heart cries Alleluia. I am Yours… Your possession, one person in Your vast people. I have no words that can respond to my great adoption. I am Yours.

Give me the strength and wisdom, Oh Holy Spirit, to live faithfully honoring You, the Father and the Son, my great God… THE GREAT GOD above ALL gods. Amen and Alleluia.


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