Monday, January 16: Joshua 9- Spreading God's Fame.

It seems to me that a prime teaching of this chapter happens in verse 14 when the author records that the Israelites did not inquire of the Lord, as a result, they made a poor treaty with the Gibeonites. I have mused and written on that in past years. So as I entered today’s reading I asked the Lord for another insight. I found my heart drawn to verse 24:

They answered Joshua, “Your servants were clearly told how the LORD your God had commanded his servant Moses to give you the whole land and to wipe out all its inhabitants from before you. So we feared for our lives because of you, and that is why we did this (24).

Long before there were news syndications and modern modes of mass communication, the Lord had no trouble spreading His fame far and wide. The Gibeonites knew what the Lord was up to and, therefore, they knew that they were in real trouble.

I started thinking… the Magi of Christmas fame knew God was up to something and traveled to see the baby in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1). Paul was introduced to Jesus through a vision (Acts 9:1). Cornelius was told directly by God to send for a man named Peter (Acts 10:1). Even Romans 1:20 explains that creation speaks God’s fame. Still to this day I hear of dreams and visions leading people to Jesus. A number of friends in Africa have told me stories of dreams and visions leading people to conversion.

There are times when God acts directly to spread His fame. He, after all, is God and can do whatever He pleases. But generally God works through His people. Even in those situations where He acts independently, His people come into play confirming and teaching the whole counsel of God’s Word.

My thoughts drifted to God’s Will of making disciples throughout the entire world. We, the people of God, remain God’s primary mode of communication. In those rare instances where God has spread His name, independent of our efforts, we are needed to confirm and teach more fully the counsel of God.

Slowly the question formed in my thoughts, “Am I playing my part in spreading the fame of God’s Name?” Are You? 

Use me, Lord. I am willing to be transmission wires, or simply a pole to hold up your transmission wires. Use me in the best way You choose to spread Your fame in all the world. Through Jesus, and for the sake of His advancing Kingdom, I pray. Amen.




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