Wednesday, March 8: Luke 1- The shine of God's presence.

I am breathless after reading this chapter. So much happens. God is on the move. I marvel at the intricate ways God is working to set up the birth of Jesus, the Redeemer.

Where to pause? Where to meditate? There is so much. Hmmm… life is like that.

There is always much more going on in life than on which we can focus. What we choose to consider and ponder is only a slice of all that is going on around us. This leads to a nudge from the Lord, “Bill, consider what you choose to dwell on in life. Look for My hand at work, see where I am spreading My good news and ponder that.”

I found myself being thankful for Theophilus. Beyond his mention here and in Acts he is an unknown person. And yet because of Luke’s desire to give him a firm and accurate grounding in the faith we have two majors works of the New Testament. Thank you, Theophilus, for your interest in the faith. Thank you, Luke, for desiring to disciple this dear brother. Thank You, Lord God, for inspiring these words, causing them to be so much more than history; they are Your very words to us about Jesus!

As I meditate on the Word, the sun has just crested the horizon of my yard. My family room is brimming with bright lights on this cloudless morning. My heart feels the same way. I feel as if the light of the Son Jesus is streaming into my life as I read about all the details leading up to His birth.  God is on the move. Good news is streaming forth…

And everywhere Jesus is shared and preached and lived, good news continues to stream forth. Halleluiah. It is a glorious day and I get to live it in relationship with my Lord and savior Jesus.

I hope you enjoy Jesus today, too…

Bless You, Father, bless You, Jesus, Bless You, Holy Spirit, for these words, this book and Your grace. Fill me today to be a blessing. Fill me with a passion for You and may my presence, my words, my actions be good news to the people I meet and interact with today. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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