Thursday, May 25: 2Samuel 7- Blessings of God.

I was sitting and thinking about what it must have been like for David to have this exchange with God, to learn how much God loved him and how much God was going to bless him. What a wonderful day that must have been.

My thoughts quickly rotated… the Lord God has blessed me (and all His followers) with similar blessings!

We have been blessed with eternal life, more than a lineage that will rule forever, we have been granted safe passage into eternal life when our earthly life is over. In eternity we will reign with the Lord and live in His perfect kingdom forever and ever!

In this life we have be granted a peace that passes all understanding. Even when storms rage in and around our lives we can have peace, peace only God can give!

We have been granted every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). Oh, these blessings are not necessarily earthly blessings; they are more powerful. They are blessings like… being loved by God; having a way out from every temptation; assurance of pardon and forgiveness from all the sins we have committed. Also gifts of God’s leading during life and knowing His voice… shall I keep going?  Having my identity formed and dictated by the God of heaven and earth not the whims of people around me. There is no way to measure the ‘value’ of these blessings.

All these and so much more are granted to me along with Sonship by the God of glory all as gifts growing from God’s call in my life to follow Jesus.

David received some wonderful blessings from the Lord, so have I and so has everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus to be saved.

Enjoy some time today reveling in the blessings of God which are yours through faith in Jesus and then bless His name…

Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above you heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Yes, Lord, I will praise You… I deserved nothing and yet You have given. I receive with gratitude and joy and bless your name… for You are good and it is right to praise and thank You –Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Amen


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