Monday, June 19: 1Kings 4- For God's glory.

I read the organization that Solomon set up and I thought, “He was the right man for the job.” Solomon clearly had the organizational skill to run an empire and God was the One who gave Solomon his wisdom.

This got me thinking… God gifts us for His callings! He certainly does. This has been my experience through all the twists and turns of my life.

God gifts us for His calling… I certainly have had to grow into and develop some of the gifts God has given. However, I still recognize that the gifts I have are from the Lord.

I found myself thinking about living into my God-given gifts and choosing to use the gifts God gave for His glory and honor. These are two separate aspects handling the gifts of God faithfully. I have had to grow in and develop the gifts God has given me. This takes time and attention. Additionally, I then have to choose how I will use the gifts I have been given and are developing. Solomon spread the worship of Yahweh all across the ancient Middle East.  He used the gifts God gave to extend the name and fame of the Lord throughout the earth. I, too, need to make the decision to spread God’s fame around the earth. Go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28) Jesus said. We are to spread God’s name and fame across the entire face of the earth! A daunting task, but if we all use the gifts God has given us for God’s honor and glory, then in God’s timing we will make disciples of every nation, tribe, language and tongue. Halleluiah!

Oh, Lord, help me to use my gifts for Your service. Help me, Lord, to spread Your name and fame with heart and soul and passion. Praise be to You, Lord God. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


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