Thursday, July 20: 2Kings 9- The vengeance of God.

Accounts of vengeance and destruction are never pleasant to read. People being shot with arrows and being tossed aside like road kill. Jezebel being tossed out a window and splattering to the ground only to have her body eaten by roaming dogs. These accounts are not for the faint of heart.

In a world where we sanitize everything, these stories are horrific and then add to this, they were carried out by the word of the Lord.

How do I process stories like this?

For me they are a stark reminder that God will execute His judgment in His time. God decreed that Ahab and his family would meet an end like this. Now is the time for God to bring His judgment on Ahab to pass. As horrific as Jezebel’s end may be, it is just retribution for the life she lived and the evil she did as queen and queen mother.

Sin has its consequences. The consequences of sin are not pretty or sanitized. The penalty for sin is death and destruction. As horrific as these earthy consequences might be, the spiritual consequences of sin, hell, eternal destruction, are far worse.

Accounts like the one I read today, remind me that every human being is on the road to destruction unless she or he steps off that road onto the way of Jesus. Believing Jesus to be Lord and God and following Him as his disciple is the only road to salvation.

Are you on the roadway of Jesus? Are you His disciple?

Consider your life… who is your God?

Oh, Lord, thank You for opening my eyes and heart to Jesus and His message of reconciliation, forgiveness and redemption. I love You, Lord. Help me to share Your way with others effectively and lovingly. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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