When I was in college we sang a song based on verse 4. If my memory is correct it went like this: “He calls me to the banqueting table; his banner over me is love.”
That is a pretty accurate translation of verse 4, which in the NIV reads: Let him lead me to the banquet hall, and let his banner over me be love.
I found myself contemplating his banner of love…
Taken at face value, how does a lover spread his banner of love over his beloved? Hmmm… by creating a safe space, a relationship of warmth, care, concern. These are the kinds of things that spring to mind when I try to visualize a ‘banner of love.’
So now I have to ponder how good a job I do spreading a banner of love over my wife and family? Do I create a safe space for them to flourish? Do I set an attitude of warmth, care, concern for my family?
The Lord cares how I husband and father my family…
When we sang that song back in the day, we were singing about the Lord spreading His banner of love over us. I switch gears and ponder God’s love over me… I believe God creates a safe space, a relationship of warmth, care, concern. And I am so grateful to the Lord because He really does love me and cover me in His banner of love…
So I spend time this morning leaning into God’s love…
O Lord thank You for your love which bathes me daily. And Lord please help me to translate Your love into practical love for my family and others in my life. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
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