Friday, April 20: Job 8- What we believe matters .

It is one thing to try to point a person to the Lord. It is quite another to guilt them and belittle them. I found Bildad's words condescending and certainly not life giving.

Two aspects of his comments were particularly troubling… The first is that it seems to be built upon the words of men. Verses 8-10: Ask the former generation and find out what their ancestors learned, for we were born only yesterday and know nothing, and our days on earth are but a shadow. Will they not instruct you and tell you? Will they not bring forth words from their understanding? While there is certainly wisdom in realizing we –whatever generation we happen to represent –are not the end all of history. People before us have wisdom they can share with us. But, if I am hearing Bildad correctly, he seems to be referencing human wisdom rather than the wisdom imparted by God and preserved by men.

A world view build on the best human wisdom is built on sinking sand, rather than the firm foundation of truth –God's truth. And this leads directly to my second problem with Bildad.

He appears to be operating from the foundation that human success is THE measure of faithfulness before God. By his theology today, being a millionaire or billionaire, shows you are blameless before God. Surely God does not reject one who is blameless or strengthen the hands of evildoers (20). What he is saying is something like, 'Job, if you were blameless these tragedies would not have happened to you.'

But worldly success is not an indicator of faithfulness and blamelessness. If that were true, none of the apostles could be considered faithful and blameless. Even more importantly, Jesus wouldn't be faithful or blameless either, just look at His life and how He died!

What we believe matters. Bildad may have thought he was right.  However, his understanding of life and how God works was faulty and caused him to miss read the situation and deliver harsh words to Job.

What we believe matters… which is why listening to and learning from God's Word, the Bible, is so important for life.

Am I building my life on human wisdom or on God's Word? Are you?

Think about it.

Lord, help me not to simply read Your Word but to take it into my very heart and soul and build my life upon it. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.



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