Deftly Amos reels in Judah and Israel. Imagining Amos speaking to a crowd of Jews, I can hear them cheering each time one of their neighbors gets judged by the Lord. “They are getting what they deserve,” you can hear them chanting.
Unsuspecting the noose tightens until Judah and then Israel are in God’s crosshairs. Judah is judged for rejecting the law (4) and Israel for violating various aspects of the law. Neither is living up to their calling as children of God.
Typing that last phrase hits me. Am I living up to my calling as a child of God? It can be so easy to point fingers at Israel or anyone else and say this or that is what they are doing wrong, but never look in the mirror and honestly appraise one’s self.
I looked back on these sins of Judah and Israel. Maybe these would provide plumb lines for me to measure my life against… forsaking God’s law, God’s Word, mistreating the poor, sexual sins, greed and drunkenness. I start here and then begin thinking about the 10 commandments… honoring God, honoring people. How am I doing?
I fall short… I can be selfish and self-seeking. I’ve been known to lie to cover my shortcomings... I am deeply imperfect. If I were alive in Amos’ day, God’s finger of judgment would have pointed to me! And it does even today. The only difference is that through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, I am covered by His blood. I have been saved by His death on the cross, where He took my sins and gave me His righteousness.
Thank You, Jesus, for saving me. Thank You, Jesus, for bearing my sins and giving me Your righteousness. I surrender to You. I look to You as Lord and Savior. I believe in You and I confess with my mouth that You, Jesus, are Lord and believe in my heart that You have risen from the dead. Thank You, Oh God -Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit. To You, Oh God, I pray through Jesus, my Savior. Amen.
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