Monday, January 18, Joshua 13 Living young.

   The first verse of this chapter seemed to be highlighted when I began reading. It stuck in my thoughts like a splinter calling for attention. When Joshua was old and well advanced in years, the LORD said to him, "You are very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over. A couple ideas circulated calling for my attention

When Joshua was old and well advanced in years, the LORD said to him… Here is Joshua, an old man, by most reckoning he is about 100 years old, and this is the part that snagged me, God was still speaking to him! Joshua had cultivated a relationship with God that lasted throughout all his days. Even in our time we don’t hear of many 100-year old people. I’m sure the same was true back in Josh’s day. God graced him with loooong life. Josh didn’t frittered it away, he followed, he listened, he obeyed, he maintained and cultivated his relationship with the Lord. And now at 100, God was still speaking with him and using him.

“Keep at it,” the Spirit whispers into my spirit. “Bill, you have many years to go, stay close to Me, keep in touch with Me. We have many adventures ahead. I have things for you to do all the days of your life…” Thank You, Lord!

Then I listened to the last part of that verse, You are very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over. God doesn’t care about our age. He is interested in our heart. When most people are choosing to slow down and pass the torch to the next generation, God says to Josh, “Hey, I know you are old but there is work to do.”

As a pastor I have heard this phrase or ones like it more times than I can count, “I have served my time, let someone else do it (‘it’ being teaching Sunday School, serve as an officer, be on a team…).” It makes me cringe.

As I continue my meditations, God reminds me that my time with Him is not about “others”, it is about Him and me. “Will you, Bill, live differently? Will you, Bill, be a Joshua? Will you serve me to the end, rather than kick it into neutral and become a kingdom lump your last decades?”

Ouch… God has a way of turning the tables on me. He certainly did this morning… and now I must run to prayer…

Lord Jesus, Almighty Father, Holy Spirit… I pledge my life, my whole life to You, as long as I have breath and strength. I long to be a tool in Your hand all my days, to be a well worn and well used tool in Your hand. Lord, don’t put me in a draw or set me aside in favor of a newer model. Use me until I am used up and then take me home to be with You where my life and voice will join the throngs before Your throne praising You all the days of eternity. Lord, strengthen me to be a Joshua! Amen.


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