Monday, January 25 Joshua 19: No one is forgotten.

As I read through allotment after allotment and the list of clans and cities within each allotment, I kept thinking God forgets no one. Every tribe in God’s family, every clan in every tribe, everyone in every clan in every tribe, gets a portion from God. Everyone gets a portion, no one is forgotten.

It is true to this day. God knows the hairs on everyone’s head. God has an inheritance portion for every member of His family.

You and I may have no family or be the ‘forgotten’ person of our family but once we are born again into God’s family, we will never be forgotten. God our Father has an inheritance set aside for us, a magnificent, wonderful inheritance set aside for us. Paul reminds the Ephesians that God has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Eph 1:4).

Take a few minutes, I know I will, and marvel at the blessings and inheritance that is ours because we are ‘in Christ.’

O, God, thank You for remembering me… Thank You for setting aside an inheritance for me… Thank You for all Your love and care. Praise be to Your name… Amen.




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