Monday, March April 12: Revelation 8-It has begun!

When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. My entire body gasped as I read verse 1. What could be so overwhelming that everyone and everything in heaven drops silent? No praise sung to God, no commands issued, no wings flapping… utter silence, sustained silence… silence for 30 minutes!

Then I realized the fury of the wrath of God was about to be released. I grew silent in my spirit as that realization hit me.

My mind flashed to the Engola Gay and the silence I imagine filled the plane as it flew on after seeing the mushroom cloud of destruction from the dropping of its’ nuclear bomb over Hiroshima. I read accounts of that day on the Internet and my stomach literally ached. The horror of all those lives and all that destruction. My mind shuddered. How awful! How tragic!

I realize that there is no real connection between Rev 8 and Hiroshima except the pain of the horror of death and destruction falling on unsuspecting people. The wrath of God is not a pretty sight. Heaven shuddered at the opening of the final seal.  As I sit here this morning I am shuddering, tears filling my eyes…

O, God, help me save some…  O, God, let me never grow complacent with Your command to ‘Go and Make disciples’… O, God, help me rely on Your Holy Spirit that, empowered by You, I may unrelentingly witness to You and thereby save some from Your wrath…



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