Saturday, April 17: Revelation 13-Patient endurance.

Over the last few days during my time with the Lord, He has been reminding me through the text that He Wins. God’s outcome is not in doubt. This morning it becomes clear why my faith must be built up. YES, God wins, but that does not mean times will be easy for me or us as Christ-followers.

The dragon, (Satan) the beast with 7-heads and the secondary beast with 2-horns (these are the human representatives of Satan and I will spend no time speculating who these people are), are given the ability and authority to deceive all the inhabitants of the earth and lead them away from God. That is all inhabitants except people whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life (8). These beastly leaders are also given authority to make war against the saints (7). The words that caught my attention come next, verse 10b: …This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.

Patient, endurance and faithfulness… my life might not be experiencing persecution like friends and missionaries in Nigeria, but those words still speak volumes to me. I have to keep at my faith, to not let up or become lax. It is as if God is speaking to me today, “Keep doing those things that keep you close to Me, incorporating those spiritual disciplines, examining your life in light of My Word. Keep close to Me, stay open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, don’t lose heart, don’t cave to the pressures of the world that are opposed to Me.”

Not long ago the Olympics dominated TV but now it’s baseball season. To win the prize, these athletes must show patient endurance and faithfulness to their sport year after year, day after day. Hours upon countless hours of training just to be ready to compete. God says to me, “There is an earthly model if you need one… patient endurance and faithfulness…

O, God, I can be weak and lazy. I am prone to give up and though I want the prize, I am not always willing to put in the work. Help me remain faithful to You. Help me develop the patient endurance necessary to stave off the enemy and to follow You with all my heart and soul and mind and strength. In Jesus’ name, amen.



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