Tuesday, September 7: 2Kings 14- The problem of pride.

Reading the account of Amaziah, Proverbs 16:18 came to mind: Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

Amaziah became too impressed with himself after his defeat of Edom and as a result he took a whooping from Israel. Amaziah was a good king, doing right in the eyes of the Lord (3). Unfortunately, he allowed a personal weakness (an area of sin) get in the way of clear thinking.

Warnings fired in my thoughts as I contemplated Amaziah’s example. Warning #1: Just because you are walking in the ways of God does not automatically mean every decision you make is right. We are prone to sin and original sin has damaged us to the core. Therefore we must constantly test all areas of our lives against God’s way, will and wisdom. We cannot take for granted that each and every decision will automatically be right. This side of eternity, sin still has its tentacles in our lives… beware and seek godly counsel.

Warning #2:  One success does not mean we can take on the world. Whatever my area of competence; one success, one victory, one great decision does not mean that we are conquering heroes in that arena. One victory against Edom did not guarantee a victory against Israel, a much stronger opponent. One great deal on Wall Street does not mean the next bigger deal will end as well. Success at one church doesn’t guarantee success at the next. Each decision and movement must be evaluated independently. Tactics differ for each battle, deal, or church. Amaziah reminds me not to get cocky but to do my “due diligence” including, most importantly, checking in with and following the lead of the Lord, rather than rushing ahead on my own.

Unfortunately, the proverb is true: Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. When we become full of self and stop listening to the Lord and other wise godly council, we teeter on the edge of trouble.  Think about it.

Lord, thanks for this warning from Amaziah’s life. Keep me steady and humble, relying on You for direction, wisdom and leading, each decision along the way of life. Amen.


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