Wednesday, September 22: 1Peter 2- What kind of stone is he to you?

Stone can provide a solid foundation or be a pain in the neck. Construction is strongest if the builder can dig through the topsoil to bedrock and build up from the rock. Farmers loath stones and need to remove them from fields before planting. Medium stones near the surface make it hard to plant a field and larger stones buried below the surface can break a plow.

Using the positive and negative aspects of stones, Peter presents Jesus.

Jesus can be the most valuable corner stone of one’s life. Verse 6: For in Scripture it says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame." The cornerstone is the largest, strongest stone of the foundation, the one that bears most of the weight and sets the alignment for the foundation. Jesus can be that for people. By trusting in Jesus, He can give life a sturdy foundation and he can align us to live rightly when plumb to God’s ways. As Peter reminds us, the one [that is everyone and anyone] who trusts in him will never be put to shame.

However for people who do not trust in and follow Jesus, He will be a stumbling stone. Verse 8 Jesus is "A stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall." They stumble because they disobey the message…. Imagine the world of horse drawn carts and foot travel. A stone rolled onto the path can break a wheel or force a driver to swerve, which again might break a wheel or require the driver to go off the path to uneven terrain, which can topple the cart. How many of us have rolled an ankle on a loose stone while hiking? I have. That’s Peter’s image. For those who don’t believe in Jesus, their unbelief will cause them to stumble on the day of judgment when they have to face Him and are judged disobedient.

Jesus, the best thing or the final straw…

Jesus, God’s entrance ticket into an eternal relationship with the Father or the judge who will find a person guilty.

Peter’s message is that our connection to and relationship with Jesus will make all the difference.

Is Jesus your foundational cornerstone or a stone of stumbling??? Think about it,

Lord God, I pray that people will seek Jesus to be the cornerstone of their lives… Amen.


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