Tuesday, November 1: Isaiah 59- Unconfessed sin.

God understands that we are far from perfect. He offers forgiveness from sins to all who call on Him. 1John 1:9 assures us of God’s cleansing (If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.). And yet sin does carry its consequences. Isaiah 59:1-2 paints a vivid picture of sin’s consequence: Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear. Sin separates us from God and puts a barrier between God and us. Yes, confession of sin removes the barrier but as long as we let sin linger, we bear its consequences.

I have been reading the Westminster Confession lately and I found its authors comments succinct and helpful on this point when they wrote:

… the temptations of Satan, the world, and their old carnal nature, along with neglect of the means of their preservation, may lead believers to commit serious sins and to continue in them for a time. They consequently displease God and grieve his Holy Spirit, have some of the fruit of God’s grace and his comforts taken away from them, have their hearts hardened and their consciences wounded, hurt and offend others, and bring temporal judgments on themselves. (17.3)

It is never pleasant to ponder the pain I face when I choose to live in sin…

Lord, as I consider this, I realize all the more what a gift forgiveness is. Thank You, Jesus, for establishing the way for us to be forgiven… Your death on the cross and the call to repent and confess.  Thank You, O God, that when we confess You are faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. And thank You that Your forgiveness is complete and that You purify us from ALL unrighteousness.

You are so good, Lord. My heart just wants to sing Your praise. Praise the name of Jesus. Praise the name of Jesus. He’s my rock. He’s my fortress. He’s my deliverer, in Him will I trust. Praise the name of Jesus… Amen.


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