Tuesday, November 15: 2Corinthians 5- Standing before God

A number of verses and thoughts pricked at my soul, but it was verse 10 which stuck and became the foundation for my time with the Lord this morning. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

Face to face with Jesus, face to face with the eternal Judge; that thought gives me pause. Jesus, the eternal judge, will require an accounting from me, from everyone.

From my reading of scripture it seems that there will be two elements of our judgment. There will be the salvation judgment; this pass/fail judgment hinges on faith in Jesus Christ. If we believe in Jesus then He clothes us in His righteousness and we are granted entrance into God’s kingdom and family.

A second element will be the judgment of the things we have done with our lives.This thought lingers. I will be judged by Jesus for the way I have lived my life, whether good or bad (recently I preached on this same theme from Luke 19:11-ff and the parable of the minas).

Introspection grew. I began to talk with the Lord:

God, how am I doing? Am I living a life that pleases You? Surely there are places I should improve, aspects of my life that need to grow. Show me, Lord. Reveal to me one concrete aspect of my life that needs more maturity and transformation into Christ-likeness. This is my prayer, O, Lord.  Prayed in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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