Friday, July 27: Philemon - Sharing your faith.

I love the story of Philemon and Onesimus. It is a tremendous story of forgiveness and redemption that can thrive within the family of believers in Jesus.

I have probably read this chapter 100 times in my life, so I asked God to show me something new today. And God did. It came from verse 6: I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

Philemon sponsors a church in his home, lives passionately as a Christ-follower and still Paul prays that Philemon will be active in sharing his faith…

It hit me that we can be loyal to our church and faithful Christ-followers and yet still have room to grow in personal faith sharing. There is a thought I must chew on!!

Sharing ones faith, what does that mean, suggest and/or imply?

Well, it can mean witnessing with those who don’t yet know Jesus as Lord. This comes to mind immediately. The longer I chew, the more I think that is not the sum total of what that phrase means. It could mean sharing resources with those in the body of Christ that have material needs I can fill. Maybe Philemon could help support some widows or orphans with his money (maybe I could too). Maybe it meant extending forgiveness to others in the church who hurt or wounded him, like Onesimus (maybe I need to share my faith in that way as well).

I continued thinking about what “sharing your faith” could mean so many things. Wow, it is a rich term!

Another mouthful to digest from this verse is the blessing that comes with sharing the faith… having full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

Seems like God is saying, “It is when you live out your faith in Me that you understand the good things I have given to you.” There’s another thought worth digesting this morning!!!

Oh, God, thank You for the richness of Your Word. In a chapter I have read 100 times or more, there is still something new for me to digest and meditate on. Your Word is so rich. Bless You and thank You and Praise You. In and through my Savior, Jesus, I pray. Amen.



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