Tuesday, July 3: Daniel 10 - God's reward.

A chapter likes this lends itself to much speculation.  Who is the king of Persia? Why was the speaker detained 21 days? What does it mean to have Michael as your prince?

If you have been reading with me for awhile you probably guess that something else caught my devotional attention. Verse 12: Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.

God has collected and heard all of Daniel’s words (prayers). Now the time is right to respond.

The first chapter of Daniel is many years in the past. Daniel has been praying three times a day for decades. And God has been listening… listening to the prayers for immediate attention and the prayers that have continued through the years.

God listens to our prayers.

I know that in my head and through my experience. Yet, for some reason the way the text put it this morning hit me with the reality that God listens to all our prayers and all our cries to Him. Before I get too wide-eyed about this, I looked back at the verse.

This promise of listening is preceded by Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God….

I began to ponder the demeanor Daniel displayed in verse 12. Daniel set his mind to gain understanding. Daniel worked at knowing God and God’s Word. Daniel pondered, studied, thought about, and connected the Word of God with his life.

Daniel humbled himself before the Lord. Earthly promotions, titles, and influence did not puff Daniel up when he came before the Lord. Years of faithfulness didn’t influence Daniel to make demands of God because he somehow earned the right to be heard. (I remember yesterday’s thought that it was God’s mercy, not righteousness, that was the backbone of Daniel’s prayer times).

Humility of heart and a studied mind… these characterized Daniel’s life. How did God reward Daniel?  He rewarded him by listening to his prayers, hearing his prayers, and now answering his prayers because the time is right.

God, again I long to be a Daniel, a man of humility and studied mind. These are character traits I can pursue. Grant me the strength, diligence and perseverance to be a Daniel. Through Christ, my Lord, I pray. Amen.


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