Friday, February 8: Genesis 34- Two wrongs do not make a right.

I grew up hearing this proverb. It was instilled in me by my family. From a very young age I was taught that I am responsible for my actions. When actions against me are wrong, I am still responsible for my response.

This chapter disturbs me on many levels. The rape committed by Shechem. The lying by Jacob’s sons. The murders by Simeon and Levi. Wrong… wrong… wrong and the cumulative result… WRONG!

God, what am I to learn from stories like this where I see no redeeming value?

I sat with text open, thoughts tumbling in my head…

Out of the haze a few worthwhile thoughts emerged.

Every one of us is capable of ugly sin. Even the ‘best’ of us is capable of atrocities. This is a big reason why I need to stay close to the Lord, develop relationships with people who know me and see past my façade, and work to keep my life in check.

I know the end of the story and I know that God can bring some good out of even this bad. This is not at all meant to infer God wanted or prompted these wrongs. No. But even out of the worst of horrors God can work for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

These are two morsels I can chew on throughout the day…

God even in the worst times of life, if I sit and pay attention I can find You. Thank You for always being present. Always. Amen.


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