Tuesday, February 26: Genesis 49- Going out in style.

Death is not something I think about very much, yet today’s chapter is the account of Jacob’s death. Shortly before he dies he calls his sons to his side and blesses each one. I am intrigued by this… giving a unique word to each child before breathing his last.

In my profession I see people and families at the time of death. Some families are tight, others not so much. Some survivors know they were loved and feel the blessing of their parent who is being buried, others not at all. Some survivors are loaded with guilt; others live the remainder of their life trying to gain approval of the parent who has died.

Gravesides are a mixed bag of feelings and emotions.

No one can be certain how another person will process and handle death of a loved one. Jacob could not be certain how his sons would handle his death. But what I appreciate in this snippet of Jacob’s life is that he had a specific word for each son shortly prior to his death.

Jacob knew his sons and he spoke individually and directly to each one of them.

My heart hopes this was not the only time he spoke personally to each son. My heart hopes that this was the culmination of his life poured into theirs. But these thoughts and hopes are beyond the information provided by scripture.

This scene is instructive for me as a father… it along with my meditations drive me to ask questions of myself.

Am I speaking personally and encouragingly into the lives of my children, all my children, not just my sons? (I wondered if Jacob ever spoke a blessing to his daughter Dinah?)

Do I have a plan to give a final word to each of my children as my life draws toward its earthly end? No one can be certain when their time will come, accidents happen. But barring an unexpected and untimely end do I have a plan?

Am I paying attention to each of my children as an individual so that I can speak personally to each?

These are the meditations of my heart today.

The Lord has blessed me with a cherished wife and great kids, am I pouring into them as a husband/father living for Jesus should?

If you have special someones, are you???

O God, teach me what it is to have a Father’s heart like You Father have. Teach me Jesus what it is to love my bride as You love your bride the church. Teach me Holy Spirit to be the counselor and encourager that You are to those of us who are part of Your family. Teach me O God, teach me… Amen.



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