Saturday, March 16: Exodus 15- Songs of praise.

Back in the 1970’s my campus Christian fellowship sang a, then modern, song that was based on the opening of Moses’ song. As I read the text this morning, I could hear guitars strumming as we sang…

I will sing unto the Lord

For he has triumphed gloriously

The horse and rider thrown into the sea.

The Lord my God my strength my song

Has now become my victory!

It is almost word for word the King James Version. After going through it once or twice, the leader would guide us into singing it as a ‘round.’ Funny how clearly I can remember those times and this song.

Songs have incredible power to plant themselves deep into the human memory.

Just this week a group of us were meeting and one person asked, “Can you recite all the books of the Bible?”

Another answered, “Not really.”

Then a third chimed in, “I can and began singing the books of the Bible from one of those children’s CD’s.”

The power of song.

It is no wonder that Moses put this event to song… helping it live in the memory of the Israelites.

The church is blessed with song. Every era has its songs. Song helps us take our experiences with God and plant them deep within us.

It is no surprise then that Moses begins, I will sing to the Lord

I did a quick search, singing to the Lord is also mentioned in Judges, 2Samuel, 1&2Chronicles and 25+times in Psalms.  May we never stop singing unto the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously and He will be our victory!

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation…

O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder…

He is Lord, He is Lord. He is risen from the dead and He is Lord…

A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing…


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