Saturday, March 9: Exodus 9- Stubborn!!!.

Pharaoh, it seems, got to one of those places where his stubbornness would not let him change. Over and over again his heart hardened against the people of Israel and the Lord, and he would not relent. His stubbornness to not repent wreaked havoc on his people and his land.

Repentance, changing our ways, admitting we are wrong can be so difficult at times.

As I think about my own life and the times I got stuck refusing to admit I was wrong for extended times, I find that PRIDE was a major culprit keeping me stuck.

Pride in me is often the inability to admit I was wrong or I need help.

Everything around Pharaoh screamed ‘let Israel go’. Even many of his officials had begun to fear the Lord (20), but Pharaoh couldn’t loose face so he resisted any change…

I am wondering if there are places in my life (or yours) where God is knocking, asking me (you) to change and we, like Pharaoh, refuse to listen and obey?

This is my searching and meditation point today…

Lord, as I set down to pray my tenor changes. Of course there are places I need to change and admit my living and lifestyle is wrong… places I have avoided change, places I flat out reject the change You seek in me. I am far from perfect. Give me another chance, show me and grow me. Holy Spirit, so fill me that I can and will change and even delight in becoming more like Jesus.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.



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