Friday, January 24: Joshua 21- God makes good on His promises.

Verse 45: Not one of all the LORD's good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.

I was growing bored reading about this land allotment and that one. Even reading about some of the military victories seemed boring. But when I read verse 45, it occurred to me why the writer gave the detail. He was giving examples that proved verse 45 true. Every one of the Lord’s promises was fulfilled. And that is a truth worth shouting about and writing about in DETAIL!

I need to know this.

I need to know this because it is the foundation for me to trust God and His promises.

I need to know this because otherwise my hope in God and His promises is simply wishful thinking at best or delusional at worst. But it is not. God has been fulfilling His promises from the beginning right through to today.

The greatest fulfillment was Jesus, who came to save all who believe from the wrath of sin and usher them (us) into a family relationship with the God, as Father! And this is only one of God’s many promises.

I started pondering some of the promises of God:

·         Salvation and eternal future with God in heaven

·         God’s presence 24/7/365 through the promised Holy Spirit

·         Spiritual gifts, not for my own sake but for the sake of the common good

·         Peace, particularly wonderful during times of trouble…

And so the promises rolled in my thoughts. And God has/will fulfill them all…every single one of them!

Now this is a thought that will carry my meditations throughout today!

Halleluiah! Amen! Thank You, Lord. Bless You, Lord.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above you heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.


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