Tuesday, January 21: Joshua 18- No playing favorites.

Everyone gets an inheritance. Joshua is making sure that everyone in Israel gets their inheritance. By using lots, Joshua seeks the Lord, makings sure that the Lord chooses the inheritances. No favoritism by Joshua.

That last sentence clicked in my mind. God’s Word is quite clear in James’ letter (see James 2:1ff) that we are never to play favorites, favoring the rich over the poor. Within the family of God there are no favorites. Different people with different gifts fulfill different roles, but one person is not “better” than another person.

I thought about how easy it is to play favorites. Oh, I might not use that language. For example, I find that I am drawn to people who are like me. Without meaning to, I can play favorites, by looking past people who are different than me.

This passage and the words of James have me examining my life and how I operate with others in the family of God and even outside God’s family…

Lord, am I hurting Your body by the way I treat and do not treat others within Your family? Am I allowing favoritism of any flavor sneak into my life? Forgive me, Lord, and show me how to defeat this ungodly character flaw in my life. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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