Along with Samuel’s anointing as king comes a test of his faithfulness. Samuel has a number of things he must do to confirm God’s presence with him (2-8).
I found myself pondering ways to confirm faithfulness. It is easy to say, “I believe” and to make faith statements. But as they say, ‘talk is cheap.’ Our life actions confirm our beliefs.
For example, I believe planes really can fly. Every time I board a plane to travel somewhere, I confirm my belief. I believe regular doctor physicals are prudent and wise and if you were to check my personal calendar you would find an annual physical in January for decades. My actions confirm my beliefs.
God was asking the same of Saul. Did Saul truly trust the Lord and would Saul be instructed by God’s prophet, Samuel, or not? Time will tell. So far in this chapter all is going well.
Back to me. How is it that I confirm with my life that I am a follower of Jesus? Evaluating one’s check book and date book are two appropriate places in which to begin.
My personal challenge and my challenge to readers is to think through your date and check book. Will they confirm your spoken faith in Jesus?
As I continued to ponder ways to confirm my faith with my actions, I thought about Jesus’ summary of the law and prophets… to love God with everything we have and to love neighbor as self. If I lay this grid on my life (and you on your life), what would it say about your faith in God?
Well, this is how I spent my time in response to reading 1Samuel 10…
Lord, I bow to praise and thank You. You are my rock, my fortress and my God. Early do I trust You and daily will I seek You.
Lord, I pray that my faith is much more than words, that my actions, tongue, and thoughts all confirm that I love you and that I will serve You all the days of my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.