Friday, April 11: Luke 18- People are important.

Reading chapter 18 with all its vignettes, I found myself thinking about all the different kinds of people who pressed into Jesus’ life constantly. Some like His disciples (1) were constant companions. Then there were the Twelve (31) whom Jesus had chosen. These were people Jesus chose to pour his life into.

But then I found myself thinking about all the others. Luke gives some interesting descriptions. There were those who were confident in their righteousness (9) and an important man who wanted to know how to guarantee his salvation (18). Interesting, isn’t it, that these self-confident folk would seek out Jesus? Did they want this important rabbi to affirm them in their righteousness?? If so, Jesus didn’t comply.

Also, there were the people with needs, like the people bringing their babies to Jesus for a blessing (15). In our world, with excellent prenatal care, infant mortality is pretty low. I dare say few of us worry about our infants. But in 3rd world countries today and in Jesus’ day, infant mortality was much more significant. I imagine taking your baby to an important miracle worker and rabbi was a big deal. And that Jesus allowed them access speaks volumes. Jesus was there for people… people He knew and people He didn’t!

Then there was the blind beggar (35) who was desperate for healing and help. Jesus paused on His journey to Jerusalem. Remember He set his face to Jerusalem a few chapters ago, so this wasn’t a leisure trip but a high priority one. Even still, Jesus took the time to hear the man and then heal him.

What I thought about was, how important people were to Jesus. He honored them with time, advice, help and healing.

As Christ-followers, I’m thinking we should do the same…

Jesus, there are so many ways that You model living a God-honoring life. Today I watched how You treated people with respect and kindness and that opened the door to sharing truth or offering healing. You truly loved people. You even dealt with the Rich Young Ruler with honor and grace even though he didn’t accept what You said.

I have so much to learn from You. Help me, Lord. Send Your Holy Spirit to teach me.

Thank You, Jesus, for being my Lord. Forgive me for being wishy washy sometimes. Give me strength to listen and obey.

To You, Jesus, I pray. Amen.


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