As far as Bible chapters go, this one has very little action. It seems to be the set up for Samuel anointing Saul to be king of
As I was asking the Lord, the thought, ‘God in everyday life,’ came to mind. I realized, for me, this was my connection with the Lord for today.
Most of our days are filled with ordinary things. Eating, working, solving this problem, working with this person, and the like. And still God is there in the midst of regular life. Samuel’s conversation with the Lord reminds me that even in our everyday life, God is there to guide us. He is always available for conversation, something into which we need to grow more.
Saul on the other hand was problem solving, looking for a lost donkey. Even here, maybe more without his direct knowledge than with it, God was orchestrating things so he would make his destined appointment with Samuel. Again, I realized God is working His play, even in my mundane life situations.
And so I marvel… God is at work today in my life even today, an ordinary Tuesday!
How blessed I am (and you are) to be walking with God. God is available everyday to speak with us about the things of life. And this is a thought not only worth pondering but also living! Bless You Lord.
Lord, thank You for the simple, yet profound reminder, that You are always with me… that I have access to You and Your wisdom at a moment’s notice.
Lord, it is so wonderful to be walking in relationship with You. I love You, Lord.
Bless You and praise You… In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
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