My immediate thought whenever I open my Bible to Philemon is “the Gospel works.” Yes, it really works. It changes a person’s heart.
It seems plain to me that the only reason Philemon is in the Bible is because Philemon, himself, shared this letter with the church. Therefore he must have welcomed Onesimus back as Paul asked.
That being the case, Philemon did something completely counter-cultural. As a run-a-way slave, Onesimus had no rights and virtually no hope. His crime, which seems to have been compounded by the stealing of something, carried the maximum punishment, death. The law thought, what else would deter others’ slaves from doing the same thing?!
Paul appealing to the fact that Onesimus was now a convert to Christ and therefore a brother in Christ, asks Onesimus be received back and anything ‘owed’ be written off as if it were a gift to Paul.
Absolutely Radical… was the request and the positive response. Through the Gospel, hearts can be changed and forgiveness can be granted as a new people of God are constituted as both family and the church!
If the Gospel worked back then, it can still work today!
Where have you seen the Gospel work in your life?
Is there someone you need to ‘receive back’ with forgiveness?
Think about it… I am.
Lord, I sit here this morning blessed because Your Gospel works. I can and am a new person as I allow the Holy Spirit to work in me. Lord, I still have many places that need cleaning up. But thanks be to You, other places have been cleaned up. Praise You and thank You!
Come, Lord Jesus, work in my life. I pray through Your name, so that You, the Father and the Spirit may be praised through the actions and attitudes of my life. Amen.
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