Tuesday, July 1: 2Peter 3- Wholesome Thinking.

What a great way to enter my day, reading Peter’s opening line… Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both of them as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking (1).

Stimulate you to wholesome thinking… that instantly went to deep places. What a wonderful goal. Would that all of my blogs stimulate readers to wholesome thinking.

And what does Peter write about? The gospel message… that God loves the world, yet there are scoffers in the world, so beware and be on your guard so you are not pulled off the path. The Gospel, the whole Gospel, the Word of God is a perfect way to stimulate people to wholesome thinking. Thank you, Peter.

Additionally, I appreciate his understanding of how human life works. Our thinking moves and controls our life. So wholesome thinking will move us to wholesome living and loving (Paul, too, understands this… see Romans 12:1-2 and Philippians 4:8).

So as I start my day I am going to stay my thoughts on wholesome thinking,

·   on Jesus and His gift of life given to me and all who believe on the cross,

·   on the Father… I will observe nature and marvel at God who created all things,

·   on the Spirit who breathes life into me…

Lord, God, thank You for today’s prompting to wholesome thinking… what a beautiful way to live throughout the day. Help me to fight distractions and senseless noise so that I can fill my thoughts with wholesome, beautiful admirable things. I pray in and through Jesus, my Lord. Amen.



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