I saw in this chapter a couple of warnings about the way sin can enter a person’s life.
With Naaman, the sin of pride almost kept him from receiving his healing. Elisha asked Naaman to do a simple act and his healing would be complete. But Naaman, at first, refused. My meditations generalized. How often does God ask something simple of me (us) and for some reason I (we) say no?
It might be pride or arrogance or disobedience, you name it. And by refusing we miss some blessing from the Lord or we miss being God’s blessing in someone’s life. How sad this is.
Oh, to have a friend like Naamann’s servant who dared to speak truth into his life before he missed his opportunity for healing.
Then there was Gehazi. How or why greed surfaced on this day the text doesn’t say. But greed did surface and Gehazi had no spiritual strength to say ‘no’ to it. He caved and concocted a lie to gain riches. This reminded me that sin is always crouching at the door, looking for even the smallest opening to pounce!
We must be aware and be alert… always.
Diligence and perseverance… two key thoughts for today.
Oh, Jesus, keep me alert. When I doze or get distracted, please call out and warn me. And when I am tempted to disregard Your call, please send someone who can be to me like Naaman’s servant was to him, a voice of reason that I can hear. I pray this so that I might follow You with all my heart today and every day. Amen.
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