Thursday, May 21: Acts 28- Some believe and some not.

Verse 24 grabbed hold of me as I was reading this chapter. Some were convinced by what he said, but others would not believe.

Paul preached his heart out from morning till evening. Verse 23 says and Luke gives this matter of fact summary, Some were convinced by what he said, but others would not believe.

I think it was the matter of fact tone that spoke to me.

I personalize my witnessing and preaching far too much. If people don’t respond favorably I feel badly, I take it personally, as if I’m not good enough or I didn’t do a good enough job. And the truth is this kind of thinking eats at me and at times it even discourages me from witnessing.

But this simple verse poured life into me. My task, my job is to present the truth of Jesus as best I can; God, the Holy Spirit, does the converting. God, the Holy Spirit, penetrates joint and marrow with the truth, opening the hearts of those who will believe.

I am and you are merely the messengers. God is the applier, converter,  the Savior.

Allowing this verse into my heart is setting me free from the tyranny of me…

Lord, I pray that this verse stays with me for the rest of my life and that it will make me a better, bolder testifier for You. Lord, may Your kingdom advance and may my life help it do so. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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