Tuesday, May 12: Acts 20- Keep watch over yourselves.

So many thoughts and musings swirl after reading this chapter. As a pastor/elder/leader, Paul’s word to the Ephesian elders hits me square in the chest. Staying true to the written Word of God is not easy these days as many purporting to be followers of Jesus teach truths not found in the Scriptures.

But where I lingered most was on four words spoken by Paul to the elders that seems applicable to every Christ follower. Verse 28, Keep watch over yourselves…

Yes, teachers hold an important place in the church, expounding upon the Word of God. Yes, church leaders chart the direction and course for the church as a whole, BUT each of us remains responsible to watch over our own lives. At the end of the day, we live our lives and we bear the responsibility for the ways we lived, rightly and wrongly. And we will each stand before the Lord and answer for every word from our mouths, thought in our heads and action of our life. Each of us, alone, standing before the Lord, face to face with the one who gave His life so that we could live…

It is this thought which dominated my time with Jesus, the Father, and the Spirit this morning.

·         Have I used my gifts well and to the best of my abilities?

·         Have I spent the time necessary to get to know God and His ways so that I can follow Him closely?

·         Have I learned to hear His voice among the voices of life that clamber for my attention?

·         Have I been obedient to God’s Word and the Spirit’s leading?

·         Have I worked to make Jesus’ name known and followed around the world?

So many questions erupt in my thoughts…

Have I? Have you?

We will stand and give account to the Lord some day… think about this.

O, Lord, I have fallen so far short of what I could have, should have done. All I can do right now is beg Your forgiveness and pledge a new my life to You. Today… I live for You. This is my prayer and one I hope to pray every day till I see You face to face. Amen.


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