Friday, October 28: Psalm 136- His love endures forever.

As I read this Psalm, I hear in my mind’s ear a cantor or reader loudly projecting each line and an assembly of people echoing back, His love endures forever!

I place myself in the crowd and feel my love, appreciation and faith for God elevating with each echoing refrain. Look at all God has done… “Yes, His love endures forever.”

This Psalm, this cry of God’s people, brought me back to a similar devotional place like yesterday… we praise God, and rightly so. We praise God for who He is and for what He has done and will most certainly continue to do.

In times of trouble and heartache this Psalm infuses life and love for God, Who has acted in the past and will act again in the future. During times of joy and gladness this Psalm could be a resounding crescendo during a service of praise. It would act like an exclamation mark! Yes, Yes! His love endures forever!

I cannot help but feel my gratitude for the Lord increasing as the refrain of this Psalm pounds in my heart…. His love endures forever.

A wonderful facet of this Psalm is that it need not end with the lines recounted here. Each of us could write our own lines recalling what God has done for us, for the people we know, in history… continuing from Jesus till today. And we can do this because His love endures forever and God has never stopped acting on behalf of His people.

Alleluia, His love endures forever.

O God, You are the GREAT GOD… Your love endures forever.

You sent Jesus into the world… Your love endures forever

He taught us about You, healed the sick and raised the dead… Your love endures forever

He died for the sinful… Your love endures forever

He forgives all who believe in Him… Your love endures forever

He rose on the third day defeating death… Your love endures forever

You sent the Holy Spirit… Your love endures forever

To be You living presence in all who believe… Your love endures forever

To empower us to be Your witnesses… Your love endures forever

You sent us to the ends of the earth… Your love endures forever

Your Gospel to tell, disciples to make… Your love endures forever

Praise be to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit… Your love endures forever


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