Monday, August 7: 2Kings 24- A warning to everyone.

Sad times. Sad words… It was because of the LORD’s anger that all this happened to Jerusalem and Judah, and in the end he thrust them from his presence (20).

When I was a child there was a TV show called ‘Lost in Space.’ The young boy of the family had a robot who used a phrase whenever he knew the son to be in trouble. The robot’s phrase was something like this, “Warning, Will Robinson. Warning...”

This chapter and particularly verse 20 cries, “Warning, fill in your name. Warning.” God’s anger had grown and grown. For decades, even centuries Judah continued to turn her back on the Lord. He called and called to them through the prophets but they refused to answer. Finally the Lord said “Enough. My judgment will come.”

Few words are more frightening that the last ones of that verse, he thrust them from his presence. It was the presence of God that protected them and defined them. Years ago Moses refused to go into the Promised Land if God withheld His presence (check out Exodus 33:12-15). Such was the power and importance of God’s presence. And now that presence was gone!

This stands as a warning to us all. There comes a day, we know not when, when God will say, ‘enough’ and judge each of us. On that day we will either be His or He will stop calling and thrust us from His presence… forever.

God is impressing upon me the importance of following Him, of remaining faithful to Him. I want to follow the Lord out of love and devotion… but a little fear –fear of being thrust from His presence –is some additional motivation to stay true to the Lord.

What do you think?

Oh, God, I would not want to live one day without Your presence. I don't know what is around the future bends in the road of life. But I know that I can and will face anything that comes if You are by my side. I need You, Lord, and I love you, Lord. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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