Wednesday, August 2: 2Kings 20- Blind spot.

I suspect that all of us have blind spots in our lives… areas of life where we don’t think clearly or see things clearly. With people of faith I think this translates into areas of faith that we do not understand or act with the faith we normally exhibit is the other areas of life.

Hezekiah, it seems, has a faith blind spot when it comes to death. His reaction to Isaiah’s word from the Lord seems out of character. Instead of trusting God, he whines. Instead of speaking directly with the Lord, he bargains and pulls the “I’ve been faithful” card.

The net result is that God extends his life. It may have been God’s intention all along to extend Hezekiah’s life, because that was God’s plan to bring Judah to her knees. But we will never know whether this is correct or a figment of my imagination.

Back to the blind spot idea, I started wondering what my faith blind spots are.

Obviously I do not know… they are called blind spots for a reason J. But is there a way I can begin to detect blind spots, areas of weakness in my faith? This is worth pondering some…

I don’t believe I can begin to spot blind spots alone. If I can spot them I will need help.

Accountability… particular people with whom I meet to discuss and do life. Trusted brothers with whom I can open my life, and who I give permission to speak into what they see. This is one possibility. For 5 or 6 years I have been meeting with one brother almost weekly. He offers a measure of accountability but that relationship is a bit more mentor (me) and mentee (him). I have recently entered another one-on-one relationship that will likely be more peer to peer than mentor-mentee. This affords a greater possibility to uncover blind spots. Also I have recently joined a colleague accountability group, which may provide the best opportunity for uncovering blind spots but time will tell as the group gels and we learn if we can truly go deep.

God’s voice… Scripture and the work of the Spirit in one’s life. While I believe God often works through others, certainly as I develop my walk with Jesus, I give the Spirit access to bring ‘all truth’ alive to me.

Together I suspect these are the best two options for uncovering blind spots.

If you, as a reader, have other ideas I would love to hear them…

Lord, show me the areas I need to be growing in and maturing in. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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