Friday, February 9: 2Chronicles 6.

My time with the Lord was interesting this morning. As I sat down to read this amazingly faithful temple dedication prayer by Solomon, swimming in the back of my head was the thought, ‘How did such a faithful man stray so far from the Lord’?

I know the Solomon’s story well enough to know that his many wives led him astray. I kept wondering, how did that happen?  Deep down inside I was not as concerned about Solomon as I was about me…

If the man who prayed this prayer fell, then anyone could fall. Such was my reasoning.

My desire was to know what I could do to maintain faithfulness. The thought that kept rising to the top as I pondered this question, from one angle and another is spiritual vigilance…

Staying with the Lord day in and day out.

Regular examination of my life under the scrutiny of the Word and Spirit.

Confession and repentance.

Regular worship with the body of Christ.

Accountability with other brothers.

And the like…

Oh, yes, trusting in the perseverance of the saints, trusting that God will bring those He has called home to eternity with Him.

Romans 8vv

In all of this Lord, what I cling to most strongly is Your right arm. You will preserve my life and bring me to glory. I am not absolving myself from doing the spiritual disciplines needed to grow and mature, but my trust is not in me. It is in YOU! Alleluia to the God Most High! Through Jesus, my Lord, I pray. Amen


Note: my burdened heart lifted as I realized my fate is in God’s hands. Alleluia.


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