Thursday, June 28: 2Corinthians 9- Generosity.

Generosity is a theme word from today's chapter. What is generosity?

From the chapter's context generosity speaks of people who sacrificially give for the sake of people in need. People who do something about alleviating the need of another brother in Christ who is in need.

It seems to me that one cannot turn generosity into a formula… From verse 7 there are some guidelines for generosity. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. But these guidelines are far from a formula.

First guideline… generosity is individual… Each of you should give what you have decided…  Tied to this generosity is driven by the heart which according to a Greek lexicon refers to the 'inner person, the seat of understanding, knowledge, and will, and takes on as well the meaning conscience.'* Thus the hearts is the place of conscience, thought informed by faith…

Generosity is also an act of one's will, not guilted, forced or coerced, rather it grows from a heart that wants to do something and derives cheer or joy from being able to help.

Questions erupt within me:

--Is my giving characterized by generosity?

--Would God consider me a generous person?

--Am I willing to engage the need of others so that generosity might flower?

This are questions worth chewing on…

Lord, open me to true generosity. I pray in Jesus' name and for the sake of people in need and Your kingdom's expansion. Amen.


*Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament – Volume 2.


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