As a family, we have taken a number of ranger led hikes in our National Parks. It was wonderful! On at least one occasion we have taken a night hike into forest. Our world is not pitch black at night. Stars and the moon, depending upon its’ phase, cast some light which can be more or less given the cloud cover. Generally after a few minutes, with no artificial light out, eyes can begin to distinguish some features.
On our forest-night hike, after our eyes adjusted, the ranger taught us how to walk at night. The key to night walking is lifting ones’ knees and placing your feet squarely on the ground, not sliding your feet along the earth. Even though our eyes can distinguish some features, the ground is relatively indistinguishable. Branches, rocks, roots, holes, dips, twigs, gravel, etc. are all lying there waiting to trip up the impatient and inexperienced. Hiking at night is quite different than hiking during the day. Even with the best of night-walking techniques, stumbles and falls occur.
John writes, God is light in and him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth (5b-6). Darkness is a metaphor for living outside or apart from God, living outside or apart from what has been passed down to us about God in God’s Word.
‘Be truthful with yourself,’ says John. However, we are fooling ourselves and lying to others when we say we live by the truth but don’t.
God, honesty is my word for this morning.I must be honest with myself and with You. I must be honest enough with myself to ask myself, ‘Am I walking according to Your word and Your precepts and Your ways?’ Only then am I walking in the light.
Lord, I am thankful, too, that when I stray and sin, You will not leave me or forsake me because You have provided a way out. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (9). I love that when I confess, You purify me from ALL unrighteousness.
O, Lord, today I make my confession to You…
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