Remain, love, hate… are three words that dominate this chapter.
Remain in me… speaks Jesus illustrating what He means by the vine-branch analogy. His message is that only as we remain in Him can we bear fruit… and fruit bearing is a disciples’ mark.
From remaining, Jesus slides to love. As the Father has loved Jesus and Jesus has loved us, we are to remain in His love. (Love and obedience are once again connected as in chapter 14.) The command is that we are to obey, love one another, as Jesus has loved us. Love for others is another mark of disciples.
And what is the end result of all this ‘remaining and loving, bearing fruit and obeying’? Well it is a similar fate as Jesus. People of the world will hate you and persecute you, as they did Jesus.
Remain… love… hate. Bear fruit… obey… persecute.
As I pondered this, my heart wished it was different, at least the final third was different. I can understand the call to remain. It is so easy to drift away and get off track…
The call to love others, likewise, is ‘so Jesus’ and as he has done before, I get the link between love and obedience. If Jesus is my Lord, than I most obey. It is the radical love from Him and for Him and others that is so different and compelling.
My mind shutters at the hate/persecute piece because I am so used to a cushy life. I am a pampered 20th-21st Century American. I have never really been asked to put my life on the line for anything. I have benefited from others sacrifice. But honestly when have I sacrificed significantly? I wonder is this a blessing or a liability? Muscle which is not worked is flabby and weak, muscle hardened by work & exercise is strong. I fear that my faith, largely untested, is weak…
O, God … O, Lord, help me… to remain, to love, to bear fruit, to obey and yes, to stand with integrity as Jesus did even in the face of hatred and persecution. Jesus … to be like You… this is my prayer today… amen.
Interesting introduction to John 15… John 14:31 (NIV)
31 but the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me. "Come now; let us leave.”
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