We sing a song in worship named He Knows Your Name by Tommy Walker (you can hear it at http://popup.lala.com/popup/504966135936615613). The lyrics go like this:
I have a Maker
He formed my heart
Before even time began
My life was in his hands
I have a Father
He calls me His own
He'll never leave me
No matter where I go
He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
And He hears me when I call
I find its’ message powerful! The Father knows my name and my hurts. God gave me life and will never leave me.
While reading this morning, the comfort and security of this song flooded my life as I watched Jesus with Mary. Mary was a bit bewildered (who would not have been?) because Jesus’ body was not in the tomb. After getting the disciples, she lingers at the tomb after the others leave.
I imagine that to be an ‘empty’ time, Mary weeping and wondering what happened to her Lord? Unexpectedly she sees two people in the tomb. Where did they come from? After a brief exchange, she glances away and back and now a third person is seated there. Not recognizing this man and confused, they speak. Mary is still confused. Finally Jesus, the third man whom Mary did not recognize by face or voice, calls her name, “Mary.”
That’s the moment of recognition. When Mary hears her name, John tells us, she knows it is Jesus and she cries, “Rabboni” (16).
It hit me; it was the speaking of her name that unlocked her knowing. Jesus knew her name. Jesus knows my name. That was the overwhelming thought I has this morning as I read of the empty tomb and my risen Lord. Jesus knows me, Jesus knows my name, He knows all about me and He calls me to be his own…
O, Lord, You know me, You love me, You care for me, You hear me when I call. You will never leave or forsake me. My heart is warmed and I am known by the Creator of the universe. Out of the crowded billions in this world, You know my name. I am not just a number or blob of DNA… I am a person You know by name. O thank You, Jesus…
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